the realm of possibility: 6000 sqm.
anyone who intends to offer a comprehesive assortment of meat, poultry, and game specialties should be
well-assorted in terms of manufactorinh plants, too. In addition to 3000 sqm storage area, we have
more than 3000 sqm production area at our disposal - enough space to allocate all machines needede
for the in-house production of a great variety of goods.
so you can pick the very product which completely answers your expectations.
means to an end.
ultra-modern means of production of market-leading companies are our tools of trade. either in the curing -,
cooking-, or roasting area, high-tech apparatus of the latest generations execute all production steps,
and thus support our qualified personell.
the machines act with impressive accuracy and speed: within 15 minutes' time, about 3000 schnitzel can be
- cut and breaded
- roasted
- shock frosted or shock cooled or
- scaled by a multihead weigh unit, packed, scanned for alien material, and labelled.
which items exactly we produce with these preconditions, is shown in our assortment.
in spite of these dimensions, we stay flexible enough to perform individually adjusted production flows.
custom-made solutions are possible at any time.
here you can look behind the scenes and watch a raw piece of meat turning into a roady-roasted, shock-frosted schnitzel.